
Close All Other Opened Modals when Opening a New Modal

Add data-dismiss="modal" to #newModal anchor:

<a href="#newModal" data-toggle="modal" data-dismiss="modal">Open NewModal</a>

Cannot find name 'PromiseConstructor' tinymce

Include in tinymce folder a file tsconfig.json with the following contents:


  "compilerOptions": { "lib": [ "es2015", "dom" ] },  "exclude": [ "**/bin", "**/bower_components", "**/jspm_packages", "**/node_modules", "**/obj", "**/platforms" ]


More at https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/issues/6240

Add data-dismiss="modal" to #newModal anchor:

<a href="#newModal" data-toggle="modal" data-dismiss="modal">Open NewModal</a>

Prevent Firing Multiple Concurrent Click  Events on Same Element

Html (just as example):

<!DOCTYPE html>



<p class="test">Click on this paragraph.</p>

<p class="test">Click on this paragraph2</p>



Wrong JS




///some more code....

//need to bind click again




//Now when you click an element of class  "test", the alert will fire twice (boom!!!).

Correct JS




///some more code....

//need to unbind previous click handlers to prevent multiple concurrent firing


//need to bind click again


